So, I have been QUITE behind in blogging lately, mainly because 1. I have been lazy and 2. I got an awesome new camera for Christmas (thanks to my wonderful wonderful wonderful husband. Did I mention how wonderful he is?) that I am slowly learning how to use. I have taken almost 500 pictures with it since blogging last, so I feel a little overwhelmed now with what to update on. Today I am uploading them and, hopefully within the next two days, putting all of them in my web album so you can browse through our last few months.
Things I LOVE about my new rebel:
1. It INSTANTLY takes a picture. I can capture Will's sweet faces immediatly before he no longer decides he is interested in cooperating. This leads to happier holidays and events. Gone are the days I went into Mommy Meltdown because I couldn't capture a decent picture for the scrapbook!
2. I can take a ton of pictures at a time by holding down the button. This also supports reason #1.
3. The picture is beautiful. The lighting, blurred backgrounds, etc. is exactly what I always wanted!
4. It has a Complete Idiot's Guide book (thanks Kevin!) for easier learning.
5. It has all these special features and icons for how to take the best picture in any circumstance.
6. I have a GIGANTIC memory card.
7. It has a camera strap.
8. I have a great zoom lens and have options to get even more.
9. I feel like a professional!
10. Did I mention no more Mommy Meltdows? The hardest thing for a scrapbooker is to have a child who is anti the camera.